Human Resources Development Fund (HRDF)

Since the late 2000s, the Ministry of Labor of Saudi Arabia has built a large portfolio of labor market policies to address some of the Kingdom’s key economic issues. Key policy leaders from the ministry have formed a collaboration with EPoD under the leadership of Asim Khwaja to design a research-policy engagement around these initiatives.  The HRDF-EPoD collaboration seeks to build on the principles of EPoD's Smart Policy Design approach, generate in-depth knowledge of the current constraints in the areas of employment and job creation in Saudi Arabia, and to design and test potential policy solutions using these findings in order to improve outcomes for Saudi men, women, and youth.

Under this initiative, EPoD will fund rigorous empirical research to improve labor market outcomes in Saudi Arabia. Research can also focus on building a better bridge between economic theory and the Saudi context. Our Background Paper provides a review of existing evidence and labor policies in Saudi Arabia.

EPoD regularly calls for proposals from researchers for small travel grants, pilot studies, and full research projects.  Please see the project webpage for dates and deadlines.